
On Human Subject Protections

All protocols submitted to the IRB must utilize an appropriate (and approved) recruitment and consent process(es) consonant with the risks involved. It is the responsibility of the PI and research staff to ensure that proper informed consent has been obtained from all research participants. Assent must be obtained from minors. Assent forms are typically much briefer than consent forms, and the language must be appropriate for the age of the participant.

  • Online training is provided by the CITI Consortium at No other Human Subjects training will be accepted.
  • The IRB requires that all investigators (including students), and personnel on research projects involving human subjects complete the following CITI training: Social and Behavioral -Basic or Biomedical Basic.
  • Training must have been completed less than 3 years prior to the date of submission.
  • The IRB does not accept CITI Refresher training from researchers who have no prior history of CITI Basic Training completion. Anyone who has completed CITI Refresher training without completing Basic training must notify the IRB office at prior to taking the CITI Basic training.


All Human Subject Training can be found here.  If you are a new user, click on "Register," enter your registration information, and select "Chicago State University" from the dropdown menu. The site will take you to a page of options for training. In most cases you will select Social and Behavioral Research. Note that some studies may require additional CITI training modules depending on the nature of the research. At this time, most research projects at CSU do not involve bio-medical research (defined as clinical research involving investigative drugs, devices and procedures).